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TT Mechanism

TT mechanism

Thyroid Throu is team of Chinese Herbs. It follows the rules of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medication). Basically, we suggest hyperthyroid patients taking Thyroid Throu and keep the same dosage of anti thyroid med (Carbimazole and PTU) when they start Thyroid Throu treatment. There is not interference between Thyroid Throu and anti thyroid meds if patients take them 1 hour separately to each other.


Green Life Traditional Chinese Medical Doctors believe hyperthyroidism is caused by hormone fluctuation and hormones blocked in Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Thyroid gland hormone axis. So to unblock the hormone trap in Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Thyroid gland hormone axis with Thyroid-Throu will cause Symptoms and uncomfortable feeling sharply released.


The most outstanding amazing effect of Thyroid-Throu is to unblock the thyroid hormone secretion in Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Thyroid gland hormone axis promptly and remove accumulated toxicant from human body. It helps Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Thyroid gland hormone axis to get back its normal hormone secretion. All hormones come back to their balanced and harmony position. Of course, symptoms and uncomfortable feeling will be sharply released. This is why hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and patients with goiter are suitable to take Thyroid Throu. While the patients need to take different meds for hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.


* Thyroid Throu is team of Chinese Herbs. It follows the rules of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medication).



See also


You MUST read Recovery Road Map if you start Thyroid Throu treatment. It is the map to know what recovery process you are.

      Patients with Grave's Disease please read Recovery Road Map - Grave's Disease

      Patients with Hyperthyroidism please read Recovery Road Map - Hyperthyroidism  

      Patients after RAI 131 still get hyperthyroidism Recovery Road Map - After RAI 131

      Patients after thyroid surgery still get hyperthyroidism Recovery Road Map - After Thyroid Surgery 

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