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FAQ - Thy Tune 2


Q29 Why hyperthyroid patients will not get recur again?




Patients just like normal person after get Total Recovery with TT. We suggest these patients need to take extra care to their health. Patients need to (i) avoid under great pressure, (ii) avoid intake polluted food and water, (iii) to have good mood.




We suggest some of patients taking 2 TT capsules per day after Total Recovery if they work under great pressure. 2 TT capsules per day is just for health supplement that can help patients to have more balance thyroid hormone secretion. (normal treatment is 12 TT capsules per day)






Q30 Why hypothyroid patients may get less improvement?




Most of hypothyroid patients may get hurt in thyroid gland by (i) Radioactive Iodine 131, (ii) Thyroid surgery, (iii) Hashimotos thyroiditis. TT can help patients Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid hormone axis to work in more efficient way. That will help patients to feel much comfortbale and more energy. However, TT cant make patients to reborn a new thyroid gland. This is why Green Life always ask patients no to hurt their thyroid.








Q31 Why patients will get other nodule again after thyroid operation?




Thyroid surgery can remove thyroid nodule and some part of thyroid tissue. But it cant cure the root of thyroid nodule. The root cause of thyroid nodule still there! This is why patients will get other thyroid nodule in remaining thyroid tissue. This is why some patients need to take 2nd or 3rd thyroid surgery.




Some Doctors may sugget Total Thyroidectomy (100% remove thyroid gland) so that there is not place for growing new thyroid nodule. But this another BAD idea! Thryoid gland is very important for human in metabolism, auto immune system and hormone balance. Patients will be very weak and easy to get sick. 100% remove thyroid galnd will completely change patients life!




Some patients may say that taking hormone pills will fix that. It is not TRUE! Hormone pills cant perfect match with your baody. It cant 100% replace the position of your thyroid gland. There are some minor but essential substance in human thyroid hormone. This is why many hypothyroid patients complain that their T3 and T4 within normal range but still torture by hypothyroid sympsoms. Western Doctor can do nothing for them!




What is the best way for patients if they get benign thyroid nodule? Green Lifes answer is taking TT and minimize the benign thyroid nodule in natrual way! Green Life also suggest patients taking thyroid surgery if they get maligant thyroid nodule.






Q32 Why patients will get minimization in nodule under TT treatment?




Many Doctors find there is very concentrated thyroid hormone in thyroid cyst. Actually, thyroid gland consist of large bunch of very small tube. Thyroid hormone will pass through these small tube and stored in thyroid gland. Patients will get samll thyroid cyst and small thyroid nodule when concentrated hormone blocked in thyroid tube.




TT can help hormone axis (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid axis) to work in more balanced way. It can softer the outer surfeace of thyroid nodule. Just like peel off a layer from onion. Patients can take a look in our webpage there shows other patient's video before and after taken TT.






Q33 Why hormone replacement can't cure hypothyroid patients?




Hormone pills can increase patients T3 and T4 only. It does nothing to improve thyroid condtion. It is the reason why horone pills cantcure hypothyroid patients. On the contrary, hormone pills will make patients thyroid gland become more LAZY. This is why hypothyroid patients need to take more and more thyroid pills.




We suggest hypothyroid patients taking TT. The reason is TT can help the Hypothalamus-Pitutary-Thyroid axis to work in more efficient way. Hypothyrid patients will have more thyroid hormone produced by their own thyroid gland. Such thyroid hormone is perfect for patients. This is why hypothyroid patients will loswer down the dosage of hornone pills under TT treatment.






Q34 Why we suggest patients with high level of antibodies to take TT ?




Green Life suggest all kind of patients to take TT if they get thyroid disease. Of course, we suggest Patients with Graves Disease and Hashimotos Thyroiditis to take TT. The reason is we find patients will get thyroid antibodies down step by step from 4th TT treatment. The reason is TT help thyroid thyroid hormone axis to work in more balanced way. That make whole human system trend to be balnaced and harmony after hormone become normal.






Q35 Does the recovery here same as Western Medication?




No, it is not the same! Please take a look in our FAQ Q24. We say Recovery only when patients match the 5 conditions in Q24. i) blood test normal, ii) all symptoms disappeared, iii) eye return to original position, iv) thyroid nodule disappear, v) femal period return to normal. It is very strictly and scientic definition of recovery in Thyroid Disease.




However, Western Doctor will say that you are Recovery if your T3 and T4 within normal range. Then, there is not meds for you! Even you still get bulgy eyes, thyroid enlargement on neck. The main reason is there is not meds can be prescribed by Doctor to help you!






Q36 What can I do if I get fluctuation during recovery process?




Patients may feel hyperthyroid symptoms increasing under TT recovery process. The reason is TT will help patients to exclude the expired hormone (toxic substance) through their blood and urine system. Just image that patients will have thyroid hormone secretion, adding the expired hormone, what will happen? Yes, patients may feel hyperthyroid symptoms increasing. It is normal! Patients will feel much comfortable 3 weeks later. (Patients need to contact Green Life if the symptoms continue 3 weeks later.)




Some patients may feel thyroid nodule size increasing under TT treatment. The reason is TT will softer the outer surface of nodule before minimization. Just like peel off a layer from onion. Patients will get thyroid nodule minimized after outer surface softer.






Q37 What is the different between TT and Hormone replacement?




Hypothyroid patients may be confused about TT and hormone pills. Actually, hormone pills contains T3 and T4 hormone, it can increase patients T3 and T4 only. However, TT does not contain any of thyroid hormone, it help hormone axis to work in more balanced way. So patients will have more thyroid hormone porduced by their own thyroid gland. So patients will lower down the dosage of hormone pills.




Actually, we suggest hypothyroid patients keep taking thyroid hormone pills under TT treatment. Then, hypothyroid patients can lower dwon the dosage of hormone pills step by step.






Q38 Will female period be affected after taken TT?




Yes, TT have great positive effect on female patients period. Patients no need to stop taking TT during menstruation period. Actually, many female patients will have menstruation problem! TT can help them to have more balanced and normal menstruation period.



